The Other House (hereinafter “TOH”) does not meet the threshold set in the UK Modern Slavery Act (2015) to be required to publish a modern slavery statement. However, we have deemed it as good practice to publish a statement which will be updated on a regular basis.

This statement covers all companies in the TOH group. This statement details TOH’s approach towards modern slavery, human trafficking and child labour in its business and supply chain. TOH is a developer and owner-operator of Residents Clubs, which blur the lines between hotels, apartment style living and a private members club. TOH is headquartered in the United Kingdom.

The Other House & Our Supply Chain

At TOH we express our commitment to our residents, members, guests, employees, local community and our suppliers to operate in the right way. No modern slavery, human trafficking or child labour will knowingly be tolerated, permitted, supported, or endorsed through TOH nor our supply chain at any time and we have taken action to ensure that it does not take place in our own business or in our supply chain.


New employees are required to undertake induction training which includes modules regarding modern slavery and human trafficking.


We expect our suppliers to commit to the principles and standards set out in TOH’s Supplier Code of Conduct. Where we identify suppliers as having certain risk factors we undertake enhanced checks e.g. the supply of agency staff to The Other House. We are continually looking to apply best practice and implement further controls to ensure that we verify our suppliers’ compliance with our commitment thus helping to ensure that modern slavery, human trafficking and child labour is not taking place in our supply chain. This includes rigorous pre contract questionnaires to assess the documentation, certification and verification of key suppliers, looking at all environmental, social and governance standards in their own operations.


To facilitate transparency regarding our dedication to Human Rights, we have published a detailed Human Rights policy. This outlines our principles concerning critical Human Rights issues that influence our business operations.

Employees and other stakeholders are encouraged to raise any concern if they believe there is an issue in violation of the law or not entirely in line with TOH’s values through our Whistle Blowing Policy which can be found on this website under Policies. This includes concerns related to human rights and modern slavery.

Looking forward

TOH is focused on further developing our approach to human rights, including enhancing training for employees to identify situations that could be linked to modern slavery, human trafficking and child labour, and further scrutinising suppliers that have higher risk of modern slavery in their operations.

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